Monday, April 2, 2012


  This month marks the three year anniversary of my children taken into states care all because I wasn't lucky enough to have a partner & needed a break as I had suffered some depression. Raising 3 girls despite being married to both there father's at one time I was still "alone" in parenting them. It's cool as I had all girls and we had and will always have a bond that never will be broken despite what the enemy has stolen now 3 very long years. I have been transformed by the spirit into a wonderful piece of artwork the Lord my God has so masterfully created with his very own hands~!! 

 See Job 1:20  "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."  Then you hear in Job 2  9-10 "Then his wife said to him "Do you still hold fast your integrity ? Curse God and die! " But he said to her "You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity ?" In all this Job did not sin with his lips. 

Oh how our precious Jesus has "his ways"  of getting our attention when and how he wants to, in order to prepare us for his awesome kingdom that is for eternity~!! In all the ugliness the devil means for our harm my father is still in control of that~!! I have missed so much with my two girls who are now teenagers but like Job if you stand firm in your faithfulness to God he will  restore you abundantly 10x over~!! (That's his promise to us) So I dwell no more on what the enemy has done but thank my wonderful heavenly creator for a closer, more loving, more understanding & committed relationship I have found in him. I have been praying for favor and God is being faithful in that as I am now finally after a year & 4 months of not seeing one of my precious girls due to a false report I am seeing her regularly even more then was first offered. Again if you focus on the goodness of God instead of what the enemy tries to steal from you, then your attention is exactly where God wants it to be and then he pours out his wonderful blessings to you. God wants us to love each other and share that love much with each other and then he will direct our paths for righteousness & blessings. I have never felt alone knowing my daddy takes care of all my needs~!! 
Our greatest gift we hold inside is our love so we need to use it to love one another as God first loved us by giving us his awesome son Jesus to die for us in order to save our souls from eternal damnation~!!  but it is written it is better to love those who you don't particularly care for as much because that shows God your true heart is to please him.  So I urge you no matter what trial or tribulation you have endured NOTHING is that terrible to forgive & forget to bring unity to our lives by love~!!  I am proud of who God created me to be and even with a disability of Aspergers I am who I am suppose to be because God makes NO MISTAKES in his creations~!!  I am a better person today ONLY because of his grace, goodness & love and his incredible spirit he has given me to walk in, to be his example in order to save more souls. I am a warrior for the almighty, powerful awesome loving God won't you join me ?

Don't ever allow what someone else thinks or says about you to be the factor that determines your value, because what God says is the only things that really matters.  (Joyce Meyer)